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Braden Miller
Fly Tying and Fly Fishing

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About me

          My name is Braden Miller; I am 17 years old and have been tying flies and fly fishing since I was eight. I taught myself to cast a fly rod given to me in my backyard. Catching my first fish on my fly rod was a day I will never forget. I learned to tie flies first, by the intro book that came with my vise kit, and then I moved on to videos on Youtube and Instagram; I was and will continue to be eager to learn. Some of the great tyers I watched and learned a lot from were Blane Chocklett, Bob Popovics, Brian Wise from Fly Fishing the Ozarks, Gunnar Brammer, Kelly Galloup, and Mike Shultz. My favorite flies to tie are large articulated streamers. I can tie the smaller type of flies, but the smallest fly I prefer to tie is a micro-game changer. I will be on Tiers Row at several shows tying and selling flies, and sometimes, you can find me in the Temple Fork Outfitters booth.  



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Since venturing into this sport, I have been lucky to travel across the country chasing after fish with my TFO fly rods and flies in the boxes I tied myself. I can only do all of this thanks to the support of my parents. My mom usually travels to shows and fishing events with me, but sometimes my dad and three brothers can come with us. We now travel as a family several times yearly to fish in different states.

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